Save Our Health Freedom. Pass a Law in Your State to Protect your Liberty!
Save Our Health Freedom
Pass a Law in Your State to Protect your Liberty!
Many people are asking
What can we do to protect our freedom?
Can they force us to get vaccinated or be tracked and traced?
Why aren’t they encouraging all options such as holistic health measures?
Can they take us out of our homes away from our loved ones if we get sick?
Who are “they”?

NHFA and NHFC and its founders believe in THE PEOPLE! We recommend that citizens contact their state legislators and work to pass new strong laws to protect their liberties. Citizens can educate legislators about what they are learning and about their experiences of having their civil liberties threatened. You can educate legislators about your expectations of freedom and your vision for a healthy America.
“Regular people, like you and me, we can make laws, we really can. And when you say we are going to do this for ourselves and our children, and all these people, this isn’t a law about a trade organization. This will be a law about people’s rights, about how we can determine, according to our own belief system, how we will deal with illness and health.” [i]
NHFA recommends that states adopt the following language.
Subdivision 1. Refusal of treatment. Notwithstanding laws, rules, or orders made or promulgated in response to an emergency, including but not limited to a national security emergency, state-wide emergency, health emergency, or any peacetime emergency, individuals have a fundamental right to refuse medical treatment or procedures, testing, physical or mental examination, vaccination, participation in experimental procedures and protocols, collection of specimens, and preventive treatments or programs, including but not limited to vaccines, tracing and tracking programs. An individual who has been directed or ordered by a government or its designees, or a public or private business or entity, including but not limited to a commissioner of health or its designee to submit to a directive or order of that nature may choose to decline to comply, respond to, or participate with said directive or order. For purposes of Subd. 1, 2, and 3, “individual” and “person” includes adults and minor children.
Subdivision 2. Persons Needing Care. A person who is infected with or reasonably believed to be infected with or exposed to a toxic agent that can be transferred to another individual or a communicable disease, and the agent or communicable disease is the basis on which the emergency has been declared, and who refuses to submit to a directive or order, may be ordered by the government or its designees to abide by quarantine according to parameters set forth in sections xxxxxxx [insert citation to your state’s quarantine law]. Said quarantine must be of the least restrictive means possible, and include due process, and be protective of the right of the individual to remain in their home, live with consenting family members or friends and significant others at all times, and utilize the treatments of their choice for their recovery. Quarantine may not take away or alter the legal or medical custody of a person who is under a parent or legal guardian. A minor child may not be forcibly removed from their parent or home. A person in quarantine has the right to have a consenting person of their choice with them and attending their needs at all times. A person in quarantine and the consenting persons living with them, have the right to remain in their home as is, without further requirements by government such as additional bathrooms.
Subdivision 3. Information given. Before a health care provider performs treatment, testing, physical or mental examination, vaccination, participation in experimental procedures and protocols, collection of specimens, or preventive treatments or programs including but not limited to vaccines, tracing and tracking programs, on or for an individual during a declared emergency, a health care provider shall notify the individual in writing and by reading the above Subd. 1 and Subd. 2 to the person or the person’s parent or legal guardian, of the right to refuse the services and the consequences of declining, including rights and conditions of quarantine, upon refusal. The health care provider shall also obtain a signature of acknowledgement of receipt of notification of a person who declines.
We are happy to support your efforts in any way that we can. Click Here for our advocacy e-learning booklet to get started. If you have a committed group of individuals wanting to change the laws in your state to protect your rights to health freedom please reach out to us via email to set up an exploratory conversation.
Minnesota passed a law in 2002 that protects the right of citizens to decline treatments in the event of a health emergency. You can do it in your state too!!!
California Health Coalition Advocacy has drafted a Resolution that they are promoting to their legislators that alerts legislators about the right to refuse vaccines and the underlying international liberty and bodily autonomy principles including, in part,:
“…WHEREAS, the ethical principle of informed consent to medical treatment is recognized internationally under The World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration on the Rights of the Patient, WMA Medical Ethics Manual, WMA Declaration of Helsinki of 1964, The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948, and the Nuremberg Code (1947) as a human right requiring the voluntary consent by individuals and parents or guardians of minor children prior to medical treatment; …”
Broad laws exist in many states that give federal and state government expansive powers in the case of a health emergency or bioterrorism emergency. Don’t let those laws take away your freedoms now. Make your laws look like what you want America to look like! Change your laws if it is needed!
[i] Audio of Monica Miller, 1998, archived hard copy by National Health Freedom Coalition, accessible 2018.