Friday 10/15 Public Hearing: Testimony Needed
NOW to Support H.2343/S.1380, a “Safe Harbor”
Practitioner Exemption Bill
Good News! A Public Hearing is scheduled for Friday, Oct 15 on H.2343/S.1380, An Act Providing for Consumer Access to and the Right to Practice Complementary and Alternative Health Care Services, in the Joint Public Health Committee. We need your testimony now — both written and virtual — to pass this legislation and protect your access to the alternative health care you enjoy today! You must register by 5pm on Wednesday, October 13 if you wish to testify in-person at the virtual hearing (details below).
Take Action Steps:
1. Click here to email your personal legislators and committee members to support H.2343/S.1380, a proactive exemption bill, because it protects complementary and alternative health care practitioners.
2. Click Here to Sign-up to Testify virtually during the public hearing on Friday, October 15 beginning at 10:00 a.m. Persons who wish to testify, submit written testimony, or both, may sign up and/or submit written testimony by completing that form.
You may testify yourself or your may testify with likeminded individuals as part of a panel. Individuals testifying should limit their remarks to 3 minutes. All panels should limit their testimony to a total of 6 minutes.
Persons who do not have a Google account or do not wish to use the Google form can submit testimony and/or sign up to testify by emailing: JointCommittee.PublicHealth@malegislature.gov.
For those who have signed up to testify, Legislative Information Services will provide a link to join the public hearing. Persons planning to testify must sign up no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 13, 2021. Those who plan to submit only written testimony may do so before or after the sign up deadline. If you have any questions, you may email Kathleen.Hornby@mahouse.gov and Brian.Rosman@masenate.gov.
3. Watch the public hearing on Friday, October 15. For those who do not plan to testify but want to watch, you may view the live stream under the Hearings & Events section of the legislative website.
Thank you in advance for your Support of S.1380/H.2343.