Ask Your State Legislators to watch “Anecdotals,”
a film about COVID Vaccine Injury
“Anecdotals” is a powerful documentary film about COVID-19 vaccine injury, made by Los Angeles filmmaker, Jennifer Sharp, who experienced an injury following the COVID-19 vaccine. If you have not already seen the film “Anecdotals” you can watch it here for free or purchase a DVD. https://www.anecdotalsmovie.com/
“In March 2021, after receiving my Pfizer shot, I couldn’t feel the left side of my face for a month. Eighteen months later, electric shocks and muscle weakness continue. Unable to receive the 2nd dose, I am amongst a group of partially-vaccinated people who have been outcast from many aspects of society with no empathy. We’ve been censored and told it’s unethical to talk about our stories because we are just anecdotes.” – Jennifer Sharp, Los Angeles Filmmaker

The film “Anecdotals” is a compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate. While the vaccine debate has been politically divided, those with adverse reactions get stuck in the middle and need help.
This film will speak to lawmakers on both sides of the political conversations around vaccines, mandates, and vaccine injury. Please take action to send your legislators a short email with a link to watch the movie.

“This is not a political issue, this is a human issue.”
– Bree Dressen, vaccine injured preschool teacher
Please share this important and powerful film with your family and friends and ask them to take action too.
If you want to get active in your state to protect your rights to make your own health decisions without coercive tactics, visit the RightToRefuse.org website to get started. If there are no bills or groups in your state and you would like start one, reach out to NHFA at info.nhfa@nationalhealthfreedom.org for an exploratory conversation.