Tell Your State Legislators: I Want to Make the Health Decisions about My Body
This will be a key legislative season for health freedom, with decisions being made about vaccine policies, about mandates, about your health care and your children’s health care.
Now, more than ever, you have the opportunity to make an impact on the laws that are passed in your state. We are making it simple for you to contact your state legislators and educate them about your views on health freedom policies. You can simply click on this link to have a message sent to your legislators.
You can read the sample we provide and send that, or modify it, or write your own.
What might you like to say to your legislators?
The principles we suggest might include something like this:
I want to make the health care decisions for my body and for my children in a way that fits with my values and approaches to health. No one else should be able to make me respond to a virus or other public health situation in a particular way.
Please oppose any legislation that mandates vaccines, for adults or for children.
Please oppose any attempts to put the Covid-19 vaccine on the childhood immunization schedule in my state, as this would mean that the vaccine is required for children to attend day care or school.
Please oppose any legislative efforts to remove parental exemption options.
Please SUPPORT legislation that prohibits vaccine passports or vaccine mandates in our state. Support legislation that is listed on the RighttoRefuse.org website for your state. Please vote against legislation that is opposed by NVIC.org (National Vaccine Information Center).
You can have an impact! Your legislators need to hear and consider your views. Make an appointment to visit with them in their office. And send them a message by clicking on the take action button.
Ask your state legislators to protect your right to make your own health decisions now.
If you are interested in learning more about the best strategies to approach your legislators, watch Lobbying 101 with Attorney Diane Miller.