Urgent: Oppose Vermont’s S.151, allowing minor consent for HPV vaccine and other medical services
This bill provides that 12-year-olds can consent to the HPV vaccine, by allowing minors to consent to Sexually Transmitted Infection prevention medical treatment
Vermont Senate Committee on Health and Welfare
Review of new draft today, Wednesday February 28, 2024
Continued hearing tomorrow, Thursday February 29, 2024
Vermont’s S.151, “An act relating to pay parity and transparency in health care,” includes the following language:
(a) A minor 12 years of age or older may consent to medical care by a licensed physician related to the prevention of a sexually transmitted infection.
(b) Consent under this section shall not be subject to disaffirmance due to minority of the individual consenting. The consent of the parent or legal guardian of a minor consenting under this section shall not be necessary to authorize care as described in this subsection.
S.151 would:
Contradict the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 requiring that parents be provided with a vaccine information statement prior to a minor receiving an immunization. See May 10, 2023 letter from law firm Siri Glimstad.
Target children vulnerable to peer pressure and incentives. Many 12-year-olds are not able to make rational, informed decisions.
Subvert parents’ rights to make informed decisions about appropriate health care for minors and create distrust between parents, children, and health care providers.
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