Attend Public Hearing on January 7, 2020 in Support of Wisconsin Practitioner Exemption bill, S492 / A546!
NO LONGER ACTIVE – Bill Not Passed Before Session Ended
Change of Public Hearing Date!
Save the Date! Attend Public Hearing on January 7, 2020 in Support of Wisconsin Practitioner Exemption bill, S492 / A546!
Dear Health Freedom Supporter,
Great News! Wisconsin’s “Safe Harbor” Practitioner Exemption bill is scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, January 7 and we need your help to fill the room with supporters! Please complete the Take Action steps below and join us in Madison next month.
When: January 7, 2020
Time: 9 AM
Where: North Gar Hall, Room 417, Madison State Capital
Take Action Steps:
- Click here to email the Assembly Health Committee members and your personal legislators to ask for their support on A546/S492.
- Call Committee Members to ask for a YES vote on A546/S492. See phone numbers for members of the Assembly Health Committee and an example message, below. Please note, 5 of the committee members are sponsors of this bill, yippee!, so please be sure to thank them when you call.
FYI the committee won’t actually vote at the Jan. 9 hearing; it’s our job to persuade them, now and at the hearing, to want to schedule it for a vote at a later date.
- RSVP for the Hearing (not required but helpful). We want a packed hearing room so please help us estimate if we’re on track by telling us whether you’re coming. Please come even if you don’t RSVP or if you don’t want to provide public testimony. Showing up to “register in favor” of the bill is an important form of public participation and could be necessary for this bill to pass. Imagine how meaningful and persuasive it would be to legislators to see hundreds of people show up to sign their name in support of the bill?
- Prepare your personal testimony and share it with us. Sharing your story – whether in person or in writing – is so crucial to the success of this bill! Legislators love personal stories and hearing your successful experience using complementary and alternative health care could be key to unlocking a committee member’s yes vote.
Please email testimonies to wihfc@yahoo.com, with the subject TESTIMONIES. Include your full name and address to validate your testimony as coming from a WI resident. We’ll submit it to the committee for you. Please send us your testimony even if you plan to testify in person at the hearing.
Thanks in advance for helping pass S492/A546 into law – it means so much to us (and to your legislators too). Together, with your help, we can convince Wisconsin legislators to protect WI residents’ health freedom rights to access the healing modalities and practitioners they want.
For more about what this WI bill does for complementary and alternative health practitioners and their clients, see our website here (bill originally introduced as LRB-1960/1). Read the bill here. Read about Safe Harbor bills here.
Phone Numbers for Legislators on Assembly Health Committee:
Assemblymember Joe Sanfelippo, chair (608) 266-0620
Tony Kurtz, Vice Chair (608) 266-8531
Jessie Rodriguez (608) 266-0610
James Edming (608) 266-7506 – sponsor of A546
Ken Skowronski (608) 266-8590 – sponsor of A546
Chuck Wichgers (608) 266-3363 – sponsor of A546
David Murphy (608) 266-7500 – sponsor of A546
Nancy VanderMeer (608) 266-8366
Mary Felzkowski, Asst. Majority Leader (608) 266-7694 – sponsor of A546
Gae Magnafici (608) 267-2365
Debra Kolste (608) 266-7503
Daniel Riemer (608) 266-1733
Lisa Subeck (608) 266-7521
Jimmy Anderson (608) 266-8570
Robyn Vining (608) 266-9180
Example message for Committee Members: “I’m calling to ask* Assemblymember [Insert Committee Member’s Last Name] to VOTE YES on A546, the “Consumer Protection for Complementary Healthcare” bill. This bill is scheduled for a public hearing in the Assembly Health Committee on January 9, 2020, and I want Committee Member [Insert Last Name] to know that I want this bill to become law.”
“A546 is important to me (because [Insert your own brief reason why you support access to complementary and alternative health care (i.e., I depend on complementary and alternative health care for myself and my family and I want Wisconsin law to protect my rights as a consumer to a free and educated choice in health care providers.)]). Thank you.”
*When calling sponsors, say you’re “calling to thank them for sponsoring A546 and happy it’s been scheduled for a hearing” and skip to paragraph 2.
Additional committee member contact info is available here.7