NO LONGER ACTIVE – Bill Did Not Pass
Take Action Pennsylvania! OPPOSE Dietitian Nutritionist Licensing Bill, HB 1802, to Protect Free Speech and Access to Complementary and Alternative Health Practitioners NOW!
Our colleagues on the ground in Pennsylvania are warning us that the restrictive dietitian licensing bill, HB 1802, is getting traction and it could be scheduled for a hearing unless we make a strong showing of citizen opposition. Send a message of opposition on HB 1802 to your personal legislators in the NJ House of Representatives.
Thanks in advance for your help in preventing HB 1802 from getting a hearing in the House Professional Licensure Committee and becoming law! Letting your legislators know that you oppose licensing bills that inhibit a health practitioner’s free speech rights to advertise and accurately describe their nutrition-related services can make a difference. You can protect freedom of speech and freedom to access the Pennsylvania complementary and alternative health care practitioners of your choice.
What does the PA licensing bill, HB 1802, do?
HB 1802 will have a negative impact on consumer access to the services and practitioners of their choice. Although PA already has dietitian licensing and HB 1802 does attempt to expand current exemptions from licensure, HB 1802 is still far from acceptable. HB 1802 does not provide non-licensed nutritionists, or other complementary and alternative practitioners, any protection.
The primary reasons NHFA opposes the bill language are summarized, in part, below:
The definition of “nonmedical” would not allow a naturopath, herbalist, or health coach to recommend a diet related to a person’s health condition, chronic illness, or disease. Most people who seek out a complementary and alternative practitioner have at least one of those.
The definition and enforcement sections for the term “medical nutrition therapy” attempt to make it illegal for anyone to give nutrition advice to treat or manage a disease or medical condition or a chronic disease state. The definition is very broad.