Support California Senate Resolution SCR No. 59
Protecting Every Californian’s Right to Make Their Own
Health and Medical Decisions
Congratulations to California Senator Melissa Melendez and California Health Coalition Advocacy (CHCA) for introducing California SCR No. 59 protecting voluntary and informed consent on medical interventions in California.
Read Here CHCA’s Press Release about the Resolution introduction.
Listen Here to Senator Melendez speak about why she introduced the Resolution.
Go Here and Take Action to Support SCR No. 59!
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Be it Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly thereof concurring, That the Legislature and the Governor are urged to take actions to protect Californians’ right to make their own health and medical decisions, and to take additional actions that reflect the principle that all people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights, that citizens should always be given the opportunity to decide to consent, or not to consent, to medical treatments or other interventions without any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, coercion, undue influence, or disadvantage; and
Be it further Resolved, That the Legislature is urged to amend Section 120140 of the Health and Safety Code, through future legislation, by adding to the section’s existing language the following new subdivision:
“(b) Any preventive, diagnostic, or therapeutic medical intervention taken by the department to ascertain the nature of the disease and to prevent its spread shall be carried out with the voluntary and informed consent of an individual or their guardian. The consent shall, where appropriate, be express, and may be withdrawn by the individual or their guardian for any reason without prejudice”.