Protect access to Oklahoma’s indigenous healers, herbalists, homeopaths, ayurvedic practitioners, and other traditional healers.
On February 5, 2024, SB 1725 was introduced and referred to the Health and Human Services Committee. Click here to read the Bill.
As written, SB 1725 allows unlicensed practitioners of indigenous and traditional healing therapies safe harbor from charges of practicing medicine without a license under certain conditions.
Constitutionally, licensing is only required for occupations that present an imminent and significant risk of harm to the public. Protection for unlicensed practitioners of all complementary and alternative healing that do not rise to the level of harm requiring licensure is crucial! Amendments have been drafted for SB 1725 by proponents of SB 1725 which will expand protection for unlicensed complementary and alternative healers and will protect public access to these practitioners. Click here for Amendments to SB 1725.
The Amendments are also in Committee and will appear on the website after the vote, under the Versions tab.
If a 2nd Reading is approved by the Committee Chair and Vice Chair, this bill will be heard either this Thursday, February 15, or the following Thursday, February 22. Details are posted on the Oklahoma Senate website 24 hours in advance. Click here for details 24 hours in advance.
Please let the Committee Chair Paul Rosino and Vice Chair John Haste know to read this bill on Thursday, February 15, or Thursday, February 22. If this bill is not read on either of those dates, the bill is dead for this session.
Please URGE the Committee Members to vote YES on SB 1725 WITH THE AMENDMENTS!