Ask Your Legislators to Protect Complementary and Alternative Health Care
A number of states are working to protect consumer access to complementary and alternative healing therapies. “Safe Harbor Practitioner Exemption” bills protect practitioners of the healing arts from accusations of violation of state medical practice acts, which have very broad and expansive definitions that can prohibit almost all of the healing arts. Currently, eleven (11) states have passed Safe Harbor legislation that protects access to these non-invasive gentle healing practices!
NHFA’s goal is to have Safe Harbor Legislation become law in all 50 states!
Massachusetts and Connecticut currently have Safe Harbor bills working their way through their state legislatures. Massachusetts has introduced H2244/ S1329, an Act providing for consumer access to and the right to practice complementary and alternative health care services. In Connecticut, a state representative has a bill ready for submission. These bills will protect “Complementary and Alternative” health care methods of healing.
Let’s all encourage our legislators in each state to pass Safe Harbor legislation. Please contact your state representatives and ask them to help protect access to complementary and alternative healthcare in your state!
If you have questions and are interested in learning more, please contact our Legislative and Policy Advisor, Nate Gorman at n_gorman@yahoo.com.