Urgent Feb 18th Deadline for Illinois’s Medical Freedom Bill (HB4698)
Ask the Illinois Rules Committee to Move Illinois’s Medical Freedom Bill
(HB4698) to a Committee for Hearing
HB4698 protects bodily autonomy and prevents coercion and proof of medical status. Illinois HB4698 needs to be moved out of Rules Committee by Friday and referred to a regular Committee for hearing. The bill:
Makes it a violation to mandate or enforce requirements intended to prevent contraction or transmission of COVID-19 including by terminating employment or by excluding individuals from a school, a place of employment, or a public or private premises;
Affirms individual rights to bodily autonomy, to make one’s own health care decisions, and to be free to accept or refuse any health or medical intervention, testing, treatment, or vaccination; and
Prohibits the government and corporations and businesses, from requiring proof of medical or vaccine status, or infringing upon, putting conditions on, restricting, or taking away a person’s ability to fully participate in society, including, but not limited to, education, day care, employment, travel, religion, hobbies, entertainment, sports, and businesses where food or beverages are served or sold, based upon a person choosing to accept or decline testing, medical intervention, treatment, or vaccination.
This bill reflects the voice of the people and will protect basic human rights. It is a bill essential in a free society. It will protect the natural human right of bodily autonomy to make decisions about one’s own body and will prohibit a person from being punished or marginalized for those decisions. It will prohibit the government and businesses from requiring people to disclose medical or vaccination status before a person can participate in society.
Take Action Here and protect the right to bodily autonomy in Illinois!

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