CaliSummit Returns to Unite Grassroots Activists and Organizations
Press Release from our health freedom colleagues in South Bay, Los Angeles County, California
January 16, 2017
CaliSummit Returns to Unite Grassroots Activists and Organizations Maintaining and Returning Health Freedom in California and Beyond
We are THRILLED to announce Diane Miller, HealthFreedomCongress.com and CaliSummit
has agreed to return as our Moderator AND will be unveiling her
Newest Training Module entitled: Top Ten Success
CaliSummit Provides an Opportunity to Brainstorm Plans, Collaborate on Strategy, Initiate Actions, and Develop a Blueprint for Success
South Bay, Los Angeles County, Calif., January 16, 2017 – CaliSummit returns to Southern California for a third in-person, statewide gathering of Health Freedom activists. Individuals interested in working together toward the common goal of regaining Health Freedom will unite for one day to create a new paradigm. The event will be held Saturday, January 21st, 2017, from 10 am – 5 pm in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.
CaliSummit was spawned at the US Health Freedom Congress hosted by NHFC in October of 2015, where a great deal of interest was expressed in facilitating California unity around Health Freedom. We are an expanding group of Californians committed to attending the summit and making it a success. As the Director of Law and Public Policy of NHFC, Diane Miller has been actively assisting many in California during the SB277 fight. She will moderate CaliSummit and will give a presentation on the Top Ten Tips for Success.
CaliSummit will continue the tradition started last year. Attendees will gather to work together, to meet one another face to face, and to build trust, in the spirit of collaboration and for the benefit of our children and of future generations.
CaliSummit is the ONLY gathering of its kind in California. CaliSummit, which was located in Sacramento in January of 2016, successfully united activists who were interested in working together toward the common goal of regaining Health Freedom. Then, at CaliSummit in Riverside in March of 2016, activists jumpstarted specific and ongoing campaigns. At CaliSummit, activists will establish short and long-term plans to repeal and to stop ALL laws and policies that infringe on Health Freedom.
The CaliSummit logistics team consists of Christina Hildebrand (AVoiceForChoice.org), Dana Gorman (THRiiiVE.com), Kathleen Finn-Miller, Kristie Sepulveda-Burchit (EducateAdvocateCA.com), Michelle Ford (V-IAL.org), Terry Roark (CA Director of NVICadvocacy.org) and Wendy Silvers (MillionMamasMovement.org).
Attendees will walk away from the event with CLARITY, DIRECTION, PURPOSE, and a BLUEPRINT for obtaining HEALTH FREEDOM in California and beyond.
To register, send an email to calisummit@yahoo.com.
Media Contact:
Kristie Sepulveda-Burchit of Educate. Advocate via email: educateadvocateca@educateadvocateca.com

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