New Right to Refuse Bills for March 2024
Since we last updated you on February 7, states around the USA continue to introduce new Right to Refuse bills for the 2024 legislative sessions. Key issues include the COVID-19 vaccines, limitations to minor consent for vaccinations, and broadened exemptions for K-12 immunization mandates. Example of the new bills include the following:
Employment, School, Medical Treatment
KENTUCKY SB295: No COVID-19 or mRNA vaccine may be required for any individual for the purposes of student enrollment, employment, or medical treatment in the Commonwealth.
Employment, School, and More!
NEW JERSEY AB3835: No COVID-19 vaccine or proof thereof may be required for exercise of any right or privilege, conducting business, traveling, employment, preK-12 and higher education, health care access, and other settings. Civil remedies.
Minors, No COVID-19 Passports
NEW YORK AB9226: No person under 18 or incapacitated person may be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. And before a minor may receive a COVID-19 vaccine, healthcare provider shall provide list of ingredients and side effects. No COVID-19 vaccine may be required for attendance or employment at any public or private day care or education facility. “No person shall be required to have, carry or present evidence of having received immunization against COVID-19.”
No Discrimination Based on Vaccination Choice
RHODE ISLAND SB2386: “Informed consent” must be absent coercion. Employers and healthcare providers may not discriminate based on choice to decline vaccination. Consent for vaccines to be in writing. Civil remedies; fines. Parents may not be investigated based on choosing to decline a vaccination for child.
No COVID-19 Vaccine for Employment, Education; No Passports
SOUTH DAKOTA HB1221: Other than nine traditionally required vaccines, no person may be denied right to work based on vaccination status. No person may be required to present evidence of vaccine passport. No discrimination allowed based on vaccination status. This applies to all students preK-12 schools and institutions of higher learning. Violation is a criminal misdemeanor; civil lawsuits allowed.
No COVID-19 Shots
NEW JERSEY AB3827/SB1359: Higher education students may not be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
No Higher Education Vaccines/Adds 18-year-olds to K-12 Exemptions
IDAHO HB597: Adds18-year-olds to those eligible for K-12 vaccine exemptions. Prohibits colleges and universities from requiring any proof of vaccination from students.
Personal Beliefs Included—Sent to Governor!
UTAH SB192: Institutions of higher education may not require proof of any student vaccinations unless exemptions exist for medical reasons or personal or religious beliefs. Exemptions do not apply to studies in a medical setting. Other higher education amendments. Sent to Governor for approval 3/12/24.
No Minor Consent for Vaccination
ALABAMA HB165: Written consent by parent required for any vaccination of a minor. Currently 14-year-olds can consent.
K-12 Exemption for Right of Conscience; No Minor Consent for Vaccination
LOUISIANA HB711: Exemption for vaccinations for K-12 schools and minor employment for parents who opt out under right of conscience. No healthcare provider may vaccinate a minor with written consent from parent. Now NO age limit.
No COVID-19 or HPV Vaccines for K-12
NEW JERSEY SB1705: No state entity may require COVID-19 or HPV vaccination for students to attend public K-12 school.
Removes Immunization Officer, Parental Objection Exemption
WEST VIRGINIA HB5107: Removes immunization officer position; strengthens medical exemption to K-12 vaccine mandate; adds exemption to K-12 vaccine mandates when parent objects to immunization.
Ideological Beliefs; For Three Vaccines, Religious and Medical Only
WEST VIRGINIA HB5143: Students shall be exempt from most K-12 vaccines if parent provides notarized statement that they object on religious or ideological beliefs. As to measles, polio, and tuberculosis vaccines religious and medical exemptions only.
Infant Death and Injuries Study
NEW JERSEY SB656/AB625: Provides for identification and study of infant fatalities and near fatalities resulting from vaccination; requires inclusion of vaccination information in sudden infant death reports; and requires use of federal infant death reporting form.
Blood Supply
RHODE ISLAND HB7881: Blood donors to disclose whether they have received a COVID-19 or mRNA vaccine; blood collected to be labelled accordingly. In non-emergency situations, recipients may inquire as to status of blood and decline blood from a non-preferred source.
End Funding for WHO, Reject IHR Regulation Amendments
GEORGIA SR634: To encourage the US government to end funding for WHO and to encourage the President of the US to reject any agreements regarding the International Health Regulations.
Crime and Punishment
WEST VIRGINIA HCR58: Requests formation of task force by US House of Representatives to investigate the origins of and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommends that Congress request international tribunals to try entities identified as having committed crimes against humanity.
NHFA will continue to keep you up to date on what laws are being proposed and which bills protecting bodily autonomy make it over the finish line.
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