Massachusetts Department of Health withdraws the Flu Shot Mandate!
NHFA is celebrating with the families and children of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and sending our deepest gratitude to everyone who stood up and took action.
Here is what can happen when you speak up, over and over, and approach a problem from several angles. There were multiple lawsuits, thousands of emails and phone calls, petitions, social media posts, several rallies, and advocates on the ground meetings with and educating legislators. Many legislators themselves wrote letters to DPH and Governor Baker questioning the mandate. The message was loud and clear. We want to thank and congratulate all these people and organizations that worked together to make this happen.
From our health freedom colleagues at the Informed Consent Action Network.
We are deeply grateful to ICAN and their legal team for protecting the rights of Massachusetts families to make their own health decisions as to whether to receive, or not receive, a flu shot.
Health Choice 4 Action Massachusetts has been instrumental in the fight against the flu shot mandate. They have helped to educate many Massachusetts citizens of their rights through their No Mandate Group on Facebook and have worked tirelessly over the past few years to meet and educate legislators about the various complex issues surrounding health rights and vaccine exemptions and mandates. HC4A used their platform to send thousands of emails to legislators, created a petition against the mandate that gained over 20K signatures, and helped to organize a rally at the state house with some very powerful speakers.
Life long Massachusetts resident Vincent Delaney stood up against the Flu Shot Mandate by creating a grassroots facebook group FLU YOU BAKER which exploded quickly to 13k members!
In addition to filing a lawsuit this group was instrumental in helping to organize several rallies and in encouraging people to reach out to local media and have their voices heard. Many television and radio outlets covered the story.
Vincent often says “Togther We Win” and he is right!
At NHFA, we did our part too. We helped to oppose coercive flu shot mandates with our Action Alerts in 6 states across the country. In Massachusetts alone health rights supporters sent out over 11,500 emails messages to law makers, the Governor an key individuals at the department of public health opposing the flu shot mandate.
The controversial Massachusetts Department of Health flu shot mandate for kindergarten to post-secondary students was an affront to personal liberty, and we are sincerely grateful to The Department for withdrawing the flu shot mandate and for the many people that worked together to make a difference.
Click Here to Read the Formal Withdrawal of the Mandate shared with us by ICAN.
To everyone that participated in any way, we send our deepest gratitude.
Great job!
Please join us in welcoming Lauren May Malis to our fundraising team!
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