Help NHFA Protect Your Practitioners’ Rights to Practice!

National Health Freedom Action:
Working to protect your access
to the healing practitioners that you need!
NHFA is celebrating the defeat of a restrictive Massachusetts bill which sought to require state licensure of all bodyworkers even though currently they have legal protection in Massachusetts and are exempt from licensure. After it passed the Senate, NHFA successfully collaborated with Massachusetts practitioners and health freedom advocates to urge legislators to oppose Senate Bill 2621. It then did not move forward in the House! A big thank you to all of the groups and individuals who joined in making calls and sending letters to the MA legislature.
Your support is needed to help NHFA work for your health freedom.
NHFA will continue working with Massachusetts residents to proactively protect the legal right to practice, and the consumer right to access, the healing modalities they choose. Rather than restrictive licensing bills for wholistic healers, NHFA promotes safe harbor exemption bills that provide important information to consumers and protect practitioner rights to practice.
NHFA is also currently supporting groups working for health freedom and practitioner rights in Wisconsin, Michigan, Alabama, Maine, Oregon, and other states too.
Your gifts today will be doubled!
Due to a generous donor, the first $3,000 donated to NHFA’s fall campaign will be matched!
Help NHFA reach our campaign goal of $7,500!
Jerri Johnson
President, National Health Freedom Action