Monday 12/13 Public Hearing: Opposition Testimony Needed NOW on MASSACHUSETTS S.221/H.350,
A Restrictive Licensing Bill for Alternative Healing Practitioner
Bad News! A Public Hearing is scheduled for noon on Monday, Dec. 13th on MA H.350/S.221, “An Act Regulating Alternative Healing Therapies”, in the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. We need your testimony now – both written and virtual – to defeat this legislation and protect your access to the complementary and alternative health care you enjoy today! You must register by 5pm on Thursday, December 9 if you wish to testify at the virtual hearing (details below).
MA H.350/S.221 will negatively impact access for thousands of health seekers to hundreds of non-invasive gentle methods of healing including but not limited to:
Qi Gong
Polarity Therapy
And over 200 other holistic wellness, stress relief and spiritual healing modalities.