With 2025 state legislative sessions in high gear all over the USA, dozens and dozens of new Right to Refuse proposals have been filed since our last update. And while most of the newest bills are similar to ones already proposed or passed around the nation, today we focus mainly on examples of new ideas and refinements and new ways to protect the public. Some issues addressed include a new type of vaccine exemption for “views on healthcare,” banning the promotion of COVID-19 vaccines for minors, and a direct challenge to the federal law precluding civil lawsuits for vaccine injury.


Arizona HB2707: No substandard healthcare for the unvaccinated

Under this proposal, it would be unprofessional conduct for a health professional to deny care or provide care that is less than the standard of care, based on a person’s vaccination status.

Idaho SB1036: Gene therapy, such as mRNA, banned for ten years

Bans administration of human gene therapy products for ten years for any infectious disease indication. Definition includes, but is not limited to, mRNA-type products. This bill is known as the Doug Cameron Act, after the healthy rancher who was severely injured from a COVID-19 vaccine encouraged by his employer. Does not affect gene therapy for other indications or purposes.

Illinois HB2597: Religious faith, morals, or views on health care

Under this bill, it would be unlawful for any person or private or public entity to discriminate based on a person declining a COVID-19 vaccine that is contrary to their belief. “Belief” is defined as an individual’s religious faith, morals, or views on health care. Violation creates a cause of action for triple damages.

Maine HP290: No promotion of COVID-19 vaccines for children

No state entity may promote COVID-19 vaccination for minors, including websites and educational materials.

Massachusetts SD1429/HD1656: An Act Relative to Bodily Autonomy and Family Integrity

No person may be mandated, required, or coerced by any public or private entity or person to accept any health-related intervention including vaccines, masks, and genetic procedures, except for drug or alcohol testing; occupational requirements excluding vaccines; vehicle license medical testing; or statutorily allowed involuntary psychiatric interventions.

Massachusetts SD653/HD3633: Medical exemptions shall be accepted

Medical Certifications for medical exemptions to K-12 vaccinations shall be accepted. Absent manifest bad faith, doctors shall not be disciplined for issuing Medical Certificates.

Minnesota SF839: Parent to be present for vaccinations

Current law requires parental consent for vaccinations, with exceptions for emancipated minors and the HPV vaccine. Absent one of these exceptions, a parent or guardian must be physically present for vaccination of a minor under this proposal.  

Minnesota SF694: Vaccine Recipient Bill of Rights

Individuals reserve the right, at all times, to determine their best medical interest regarding vaccines, without a threat to employment, schooling, or freedom of movement. Information to be provided prior to vaccination must include independent data sources. No person may be required to receive any vaccine with emergency use authorization. No employer may ask a healthcare provider to promote any COVID-19 vaccine. Providers must check VAERS regularly. Private businesses may not require any person to receive a vaccine unless authorized by another law, nor may they coerce any person to receive a vaccine.

Montana HB371: Gene-based vaccines prohibited

Under this proposal, no person may provide or administer a gene-based vaccine for infectious diseases to any human. mRNA included in definition of gene-based therapy. Criminal penalties for violation. On February 12, 2025, the House Judiciary Committee passed this bill by a 12 to 8 vote.

Oklahoma SB807: Vaccine Transparency and Informed Consent Act

Prior to any vaccinations, providers must tell patients all ingredients in any vaccine as well as clinical study results, a complete outline of all known risks, whether or not fetal cell lines were used in research or production, notice of exemptions, and VAERS information. Patients are to be given time to consider the information provided. Written informed consent required. Fines or civil action for violations.

Oklahoma SB862: Vaccines, masking, emergency powers, and criminal liability

Prohibits the government from requiring any person to receive any shot or vaccine, wear a mask, or provide a record of vaccine status. Requires that any emergency measures must be based on preexisting statutes. Protects the right to assemble and other constitutional rights. Applies notwithstanding any emergency. Up to five-year prison term for violation and other provisions.

Oklahoma SB801: Challenge to federal vaccine liability laws

While federal law provides immunity to civil lawsuits for vaccine injury and preempts state law to the contrary, legislators have taken various approaches to create some legal responsibility for vaccine injured persons. The Oklahoma Medicine Injury Justice Act directly challenges current immunity laws. It states that such immunity from suit violates the 10th Amendment, which reserves rights to the states, and “shall not apply to Oklahoma courts.” 

Under this Act, pharmaceutical firms are liable for damages in a civil lawsuit for injuries caused by their products and criminally liable for any gross negligence, fraudulent concealment, reckless disregard for safety, or intentional harm. Due to the conflict with federal law, if passed this bill would no doubt lead to legal challenges.

As these examples show, there are myriad ways to protect our right to bodily autonomy. As we move through 2025, we will keep you updated on which of these fresh ideas make it through the legislative process to become law. 

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