Oppose Minnesota Mask Mandate Bills
HF 604 and SF 739
Oppose New Minnesota Mask Mandate Bills!
Protect Your Constitutional Right to Make Your Own Health Decisions
HF 604 and SF 739 Require Masks Covering Mouth and Nose
Consent is the Bedrock of Health Freedom
Take Action Here and write to your legislator to make sure government honors and upholds your inalienable right and freedom to make your own health care decisions for yourself and for your family.
That includes decision-making about whether to block your mouth and nose airways!!
- If you fear governments and corporations will force or coerce you to wear a mask over your nose and mouth against your better health judgement, then Take Action Here and Oppose HF 604 and SF 739, and protect your freedom.
Masking mandates infringe on personal liberties and jeopardize basic health and wellness.
HF 604 and SF 739 would inhibit the essential human necessities of breathing freely, socializing and being in community with others. They would coerce citizens into compliance by charging them with a misdemeanor and fine if they do not comply, or even blocking them from participating in important life goals, including education and employment.
These bills would codify into actual law what has temporarily been in place as a governor’s executive order. The requirements would not end until the CDC changes its guidance on mask-wearing.
There is much conflicting science on the subject of masking to prevent infection. Many studies show no benefit of masking, while showing that masking can cause harm to health. Indeed, some studies indicate that universal mask-wearing by healthy, asymptomatic individuals does more harm than good. Clearly, masks impair airflow, which can worsen any number of health conditions. Countless individuals now complying with mask mandates are experiencing breathlessness, dizziness, migraine headaches, depression and panic attacks because of the masks.
Many people are suffering in mind, body, and spirit because of their fear of one another, their declining health and job insecurity due to masking requirements, their loss of togetherness in their communities, and the promotion of fear and threats.
Parents testifying before Minnesota legislative committees told of their children passing out while participating, masked, in athletics, and experiencing increased injuries due to reduced visibility.
In a time of risk/benefit analyses with great disagreement among scientists, it is essential to allow each individual to make their own determination as they contemplate interventions that impact their bodies and their health.
Read here on the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) website where they provide dozens of studies/articles/videos regarding the science on masking.
Americans will be better served by going back to work in full participation of our lives, in schools, in hospitals and clinics, at restaurants, stores, businesses, and manufacturing facilities, without any fear of restrictions.
- Know that there are many things you can do to strengthen your immune system. Work with your health care practitioners to be healthy and to better prepare yourself and your family to face immune system challenges such as COVID. Ask your Governor and legislators to educate our state’s population on ways to strengthen their immune system, rather than to require all people to block their airways in an attempt to prevent transmission. There is much that can be done for each person to help increase his/her level of health and immune system resiliency.
- Minnesota protects the fundamental right and bodily autonomy of its citizens during emergencies! In 2002 Minnesota passed a law that clearly stated its intention to protect the inalienable rights, bodily autonomy and liberty of citizens from unwanted health interventions during emergencies. The following is current Minnesota Law in part:
Subdivision 1. Refusal of treatment. Notwithstanding laws, rules, or orders made or promulgated in response to a national security emergency or peacetime emergency, individuals have a fundamental right to refuse medical treatment, testing, physical or mental examination, vaccination, participation in experimental procedures and protocols, collection of specimens, and preventive treatment programs. …”
We Americans must align with our fundamental rights of self-determination and personal liberties to call upon our strengths, not our fears, in coping with emergencies. It is a time to speak up and protect our personal sovereignty against government and corporate coercion.
“The only thing that governments need to make people into slaves is fear”.[i]
[i] Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Peaceful Rallies Around the World to Champion Freedom, The Defender, September 20, 2020, accessed online October 27, 2020 @ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/peaceful-rallies-around-the-world-to-champion-freedom/
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