The good news is the health freedom movement is growing stronger every day, in so many ways, all around the globe. The COVID-19 chapter in history really served to awaken a huge swath of people to the governmental attacks on our freedom to choose our own healing path. Many of those people are now getting activated and seeking solutions.
For decades, under the guise of public health, industry-funded legislation has been introduced and passed into law. These laws chip away at our rights to make our own health decisions and unnecessarily regulate and license holistic healthcare modalities and natural remedies out of existence. That is changing!
Now, we are seeing a massive groundswell of people who have had enough, and they are willing to step up and do something about it. They are learning that the legislative process can be a powerful tool but it’s complicated and challenging. Like anything else worth doing, there is a learning curve and many pitfalls. This is our specialty!
NHFA offers a mentorship program that provides:
Free legal resources
Bill research and drafting
Legislative strategy
Testimony at hearings
Targeted letters to legislators to support your legislation
NHFA helps state groups pass protective language, and we also often help oppose bad bills that try to impose unnecessary licensing and regulation for complementary and alternative healthcare practitioners, or unwanted medical mandates.
Can you help support our work with a one-time or recurring donation?
We have very generous matching pledges totaling $16,000, and a total
goal of $32,000 by 3/31. Can you send your donation in before the end of
March to help us reach our goal?
Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our matching
donors: Bales Photonics Firefly Light Therapy and
an anonymous donor.
National Health Freedom Action: 2024 Year in Review
January 10, 2025
Please join us in welcoming Lauren May Malis to our fundraising team!
December 26, 2024