Board of Directors
Lynette Albrecht
Jerri Johnson
Larry Hanus
Karen Moriarty
National Health Freedom Action
NHFA envisions an America where all people can make their own health decisions in an environment free from fear and coercive tactics, and where all people can have access to the practitioners and products they need on their healing journey.
During 2022, we saw the continuation of attacks on our rights to make health care decisions.
A great many cases were heard in courts across the nation regarding health emergency powers, vaccine and mask mandates, and religious exemptions. In the majority of cases, judges found these health dictates unlawful or unconstitutional. Yet, in many places we still find healthcare workers, teachers, students, police officers, our military, private employees, and many others are still facing coercive tactics to acquiesce to medical mandates. Censorship and persecution of health practitioners continues for those not willing to follow the dominant narrative of a “safe and effective” vaccine as the only true path to health.
NHFA protects the fundamental right of all people to make their own health decisions!
• NHFA’s Righttorefuse.org project continues to provide hope and help for people
across the country. NHFA, along with a small group of health freedom leaders from CA, VT
and MA, envisioned the Right to Refuse project that would support those people working to
protect the constitutional right of each person to decline countermeasures such as testing,
tracking and vaccination during a health emergency. The website is a place where people
can find and support right to refuse legislation and organizations in their state with the use of
an interactive map. In addition, NHFA attorneys are working directly to mentor many new
state groups interested in passing right to refuse legislation.
• Citizen groups across the country are making great progress passing right to refuse
legislation! Currently 28 have states have passed over 70 Right to Refuse bills in the just past
two years! These bills, now law, cover a broad range of topics such as ending vaccine
mandates, vaccine passports and mandatory masking, protecting people from unwanted
genetic procedures, and strengthening exemption laws.

NHFA protects the right of practitioners to practice the healing arts!
• Safe harbor practitioner exemption legislation protects access to healers ensuring that
complementary and alternative health care practitioners such as traditional naturopaths,
homeopaths, energy medicine practitioners, and herbalists cannot be shut down or criminally
charged for practicing their vocations without state licenses, as long as they avoid a list of
prohibited acts and as long as they give out proper disclosures to their clients.
• Oregon, Connecticut and Massachusetts are currently working towards a safe harbor
practitioner exemption bills in their state. Unfortunately, Wisconsin’s Complementary and
Alternative Practices bill, AB 86, was vetoed by Wisconsin Governor Evers on May 17, 2022, after
the bill had successfully passed the Assembly and the Senate. Today, eleven states have safe
harbor practitioner exemption laws in place.

NHFA is getting the word out to the people: Health Freedom is a Fundamental Human Right
NHFA and its sister organization, National Health Freedom Coalition, gave many presentations about health freedom in 2022. For example, Diane Miller gave radio interviews with Robert Scott Bell on the Robert Scott Bell show and on CHD.TV’s The Solution with Tony O’Donnell. In addition, NHFA made presentations to many virtual and in person events throughout the country. NHFA helps people to understand how laws impact their freedoms, and how they can become active in making changes for health freedom.
Virtual Presentations
• The 2022 Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, Homeopathic Practice in Your State with
Attorney Diane Miller, NHFA
• Online National Presentation: Complementary and Alternative Health Care Practice in Your State
with Attorney Diane Miller, NHFA
In Person Conferences and Presentations
• Health and Freedom Summit, Nashville, TN Diane Miller gave a presentation on shaping the laws
to protect bodily sovereignty.
• US Health Freedom Congress, Bloomington, MN This event was hosted by our sister non-profit
organization, National Health Freedom Coalition. NHFA gave a presentation on the “Right to Refuse”
Legislative Project and drafted 2 pieces of model legislation for submission and endorsement by the
voting members of the US Health Freedom Congress. This model language is available for all states
to use as a starting point in their state.
• Right to Refuse Model Legislation
• Model Legislation for a Genetic Privacy and Integrity Act
• Trinity Health Freedom Expo Attorney Diane Miller gave a presentation entitled “Shaping Laws to
Protect Health and Healing Rights.” Diane was also part of a health freedom panel with attorney
Jonathon Emord and former US Representative Dan Burton, moderated by Robert Scott Bell.
• Children’s Health Defense conference in Knoxville, TN where attorney Steven O’Conner and Julie
Booras represented NHFA.
• Natural Health Expo, Marlboro, MA Attended by Julie Booras and Dr. Karen Moriarty, who were able
to speak to hundreds of people about efforts in Massachusetts and across the nation to protect health
We pledge to continue working for health freedom rights, and to help ordinary people make policy changes protecting the fundamental right of all Americans to bodily autonomy. We will not stop working for the freedom for each person to access what one needs in their health journeys and to make one’s own health decisions for themselves and their families.
Thank you for all of your generous support. We could not do this important work without you!