Do You Want to Get Involved in Protecting
Complementary and Alternative Health in Your State?
On Monday evening, November 28, 6:00pm (CST) NHFA’s attorney Diane Miller will host a zoom meeting for citizens interested in working to protect access to all of the healing arts practitioners who are providing complementary and alternative health care options. Learn about Safe Harbor Practitioner Exemption laws for complementary and alternative health.
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Historically complementary and alternative healing practitioners have had to work under the radar because they run the risk of being charged with practicing without a license. Safe Harbor Exemption laws protect consumer access to these practitioners and the broad range of health care and healing practitioners, such as herbalists, traditional naturopaths, homeopaths, body workers, and culturally specific healing practices, which are not currently regulated by the states and that do not rise to the level of concern requiring state oversight, certification, registration, or licensure.
At the meeting Diane Miller will explain Safe Harbor Practitioner Exemption law, which states already protect complementary and alternative health care options, and how to get involved in working on getting a Safe Harbor legislation introduced in your state.
Safe Harbor Exemption bills protect access to health care practitioners who do not hold state occupational licenses and are currently practicing in the public domain. Eleven states now protect consumer access to these practitioners on some level, including Oklahoma, Idaho, Minnesota, Rhode Island, California, Louisiana, New Mexico, Arizona (limited exemption for homeopaths only), Colorado, Nevada, and Maine. Fifteen additional states have introduced similar legislation within the past ten years. More states are preparing to do so in the future.
Let us help you make your state one of them!
National Health Freedom Action: 2024 Year in Review
January 10, 2025
Please join us in welcoming Lauren May Malis to our fundraising team!
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