Cattle Baron History Repeating Itself, But Now with Human Herds

Barons have been known for amassing wealth by the profits gained from each member of the herd, based on sheer large herd numbers, without having large overhead costs, i.e. cattle barons’ free grass for cattle, limited costs of lodging (free open range), and little transportation. Cattle Barons became so influential in the late 1800 that they influenced politics in new territories.
Today’s corporate barons are repeating history except with human herds. They are amassing wealth by gaining perpetual profits from every single person they can coral, beginning at a person’s birth and ending at their death. If a corporation can provide a product and convince people that they need it to survive, and in addition, if they can get government to promote or mandate the product, their profits are perpetual. This works very well with medical products because all people want to survive. Today’s corporate barons are deeply involved in politics and are partnering with governments to secure their perpetual profits. They are dominating the lives of every person in this country and in this century.
Why do I bring this up? Because I care about preserving the foundational architecture of our representative government and the principles of our great country, preserving America as a safe haven where we are individually in charge of our own destiny. In the past our dedicated soldiers fought for our freedoms. But now, we all are soldiers fighting for our freedoms.
History has unfolded and we are finding that our very own government and its relationship with corporations found a reason to impose mandates on our personal freedoms. They called it “emergency powers”. And we experienced this playing out in the past four years including demands that we close our businesses, that we social distance from our families, wear masks, and even be required in some instances to get injected with substances that we did not want.
What happens if we break away from the corporate baron’s watch? Can we keep our wits about us, even in an emergency, and think through what we really want and need for ourselves and our families without the influence of fear mongering? Do we need to plug our ears and close our eyes for a moment? Are there solutions that do not include giving up our personal bodily autonomy and freedoms? Are we really free to decide? And if our freedoms are threatened, do we have the courage to resist infringements on our freedoms?
I especially value the May 2020 Supreme Court of Wisconsin opinion that overturned its Governor’s stay-at-home order with judicial comments reflecting that expansive Governor orders cannot go beyond the constitutional inalienable rights of citizens, even in the case of declared emergencies.
“It is especially in times of emergency that we must protect the rights of the people, lest we establish a dangerous precedent empowering less benevolent government officials in the future to oppress the people in the name of exigency.”(bold italics added). Wisconsin Legislature v. Secretary of Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 2020 Wis. 42 (May 13, 2020) (4-3 decision) (quoting Grassl Bradley, J., concurring), accessed online June 13, 2020 @ https://nationalhealthfreedomaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Corona-Virus-Supreme-Court-Wisconsin.pdf
American’s have no tolerance for living under the watch of barons. It is our duty and privilege to stand together to protect the integrity of our personal freedoms. And that includes our health freedoms!!
Written by Diane Miller JD