The American Dental Association (ADA) is a bastion of fluoride promotion. ADA has long forged a close partnership with the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the nation’s active fluoride promoter. The CDC works through state health departments which it heavily funds. CDC touts its water fluoridation efforts as “one of the greatest health achievements of the 20th century,” although its critics, including independent scientists, have long criticized fluoridation as a scam and a boondoggle. Now the vast edifice of fluoride promotion and fluoride use is being challenged by increasingly overwhelming evidence that fluoride, and especially prenatal exposures to fluoride, damages children’s intelligence. It triples the incidence of “inattentive behavior and cognitive problems” according to Canadian researcher Morteza Bashash, PhD, co-author of several of the studies. “The symptoms of ADHD often persist into adulthood and can be impairing in daily life,” says Christine Till, PhD, another co-author of key studies.
National Health Freedom Action is supporting two Practitioner Exemption bills going forward during these unprecedented times: Wisconsin SB 492 and Massachusetts S.2634. These proactive, solution-oriented bills are needed to protect consumer access to unlicensed practitioners providing complementary health care services, including herbalists, traditional naturopaths, homeopaths, nutrition consultants, and many others. Wisconsin and Massachusetts are SO close to becoming the 12th and 13th Safe Harbor states!