A Gathering of State and National Health Freedom Leaders and Advocates Come meet with people from around the nation dedicated to health freedom!
Program Opener (at the Hilton) (5:30 – 9PM)
Monday, October 19
Registration (at Hamline) (8 – 9 AM)
Congress Activities (9 – 5:30 AM)
Evening Workshop (6:30PM – 8:30PM)
Tuesday, October 20
Congress Activities (9:00AM – 5:30PM )
Health Freedom Awards Banquet (6:30 PM)
Keynote Speaker: TBD
- To bring together key organizations and leaders in the United States Health Freedom movement;
- To experience an egalitarian gathering of autonomous and diverse leaders, where leaders communicate face to face in a large round (Congress-style format);
- To increase collaboration and inspire each other to unity and solidarity;
- To identify top health freedom issues and topics that are impacting health freedom;
- To find areas of common ground and pass resolutions;
- To work together to identify strategies for enhanced health freedom; and to celebrate the health freedom movement and give awards honoring successful organizations and leaders.
The United States Health Freedom Congress brings together over 40 health freedom organizations and their trusted leaders from across the nation and numerous other health freedom leaders and general participants.The attendees will join and work together for three days, culminating in the Tuesday evening Health Freedom Awards Banquet and Keynote Speech.The 2015 United States Health Freedom Congress is the 10th national health freedom gathering hosted by NHFC, including: three National Health Freedom Conferences (2003, 2004, and 2005); the World Health Freedom Assembly (2006); the United States Health Freedom Assembly and Leadership Training (2007); the Reconvening of the US Health Freedom Assembly (2008) and the United States Health Freedom Congress (2012, 2013, and 2014). Similar to former Assemblies, the Congress will be facilitated by NHFC Moderators, Documentarians, and Parliamentarians. During the convened Congress, Voting Members will be seated at tables in the format of a large circle, each table with microphone, to facilitate productive discussions in a face-to-face manner.
Sunday, October 18
“I Stand for Health Freedom”
2015 US Health Freedom Congress Opener
(5:30PM – 9:00 PM)
Doors Open 5:15, Introductions and program begins at 5:30pm
Location: Hilton Minneapolis Airport MOA
Beverages and Hors d’ouvres provided
Join us for a new kick-off event to the Congress where we will film a professional video montage of interested participants declaring “I Stand for Health Freedom.” Come ready to appear on camera (although it is not required–you are welcome to come and not appear in the video.) This video will be made available to you for promoting Health Freedom in your community!
Monday, October 19
Congress and Activities (8AM Registration, 9AM – 5:30PM)
Evening Workshop TBD (6:30PM – 8:30PM)
Location: Hamline University
Lunch and dinner provided IF you reserve food on your registration form
The first full day of the Congress, Voting Members will reconvene the Congress formal circle for a limited time in the morning. This will be followed by a full day of activities with General Participants and Voting Members working closely together to discern ways to strengthen the health freedom movement. The daytime work will be followed by an evening workshop (topic to be announced).

Tuesday, October 20
Congress and Activities (9AM – 5:30PM)
Health Freedom Awards Banquet with Keynote (6:30 PM)
Keynote Speaker: TBA
Location: Hamline University
Lunch and dinner provided IF you reserve food on your registration form
The second day all attendees will resume their work from 9:00am- 3:15pm. At 3:15pm the Health Freedom Congress circle will again convene and participate in wrap-up. The Health Freedom Awards Banquet and Keynote speech will begin at 6:30pm celebrating achievements in the health freedom movement.
Sunday: 2015 US Health Freedom Congress Opener
Hilton Minneapolis Airport MOA
3800 American Blvd East, Bloomington, MN
Monday and Tuesday: Congress and Health Freedom Awards Banquet
Hamline University
The Carol Young Anderson and Dennis L. Anderson Center
774 Snelling Avenue North, St. Paul, MN
Front desk of Anderson Center: 651-523-2660
Register Now – Banquet and/or Keynote Only
Voting Members should use the personalized link you received via email. Sponsors should discuss registration with Jerri Johnson.
Please direct registration questions to Judy: 608.295.3827 or judy@nationalhealthfreedom.org.
How Many People Can Attend the Congress?
The Congress is open to the public for general participation. Original planning includes 40 Congress Voting Members organizations and 100 additional General Participants.
What is a Congress Voting Member?
NHFC has invited organizations promoting health freedom in the U.S. to be Congress Voting Members. During the limited hours that these members convene the Congress, they will share their strengths and campaigns with each other and strategize ways to work together, strengthening the health freedom movement through unity and solidarity. Congress Voting Members will have the opportunity to discuss important issues and develop collaborative strategies to strengthen the vision of health freedom.
What is a Congress General Participant?
In addition to Voting Members, NHFC has planned for 100 General Participants and leaders to be able to attend this event. During the time that the Congress is not convened, Voting Members and General Participants will fully participate in the entire event activities including working group sessions, workshops, meals, and the Health Freedom Awards Banquet. During the limited time that the Congress is convened, General Participants will be seated in the circle directly behind and surrounding the Congress and will have full access to the Congress proceedings. They will not have microphone access or be able to vote or to participate in the deliberations of the Congress unless requested to by the Congress itself.
Conference Prices for General Participants
General Participant tuition is as follows.
- $195 – General Participant Full Package (Program Opener, Working Sessions, Congress, and Awards Banquet with Keynote)
- $60 – Health Freedom Awards Banquet with Keynote ONLY (Banquet with Keynote on Tuesday night only)
- $0 – Sponsors are invited to attend on a complementary basis
Congress General Participant – Full Package ($195 per person)
General Participants will be able to fully participate in group activities and attend presentations throughout the three-day event, as well as be able to observe Congress proceedings during the time slots when the Health Freedom Congress is convened. Included with the General Participant rate is also admittance to the Program Opener on Sunday night, as well as a seat at the Health Freedom Awards Banquet and Keynote presentation on Tuesday evening. Lunches and dinners provided; further details forthcoming, food will be organic if available.
Congress General Participant – Health Freedom Awards Banquet and Keynote Speaker Only ($60 per person). If you choose this option, you will not attend any of the other events on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday.
Travel Information – Hotel
Hotel accommodations are NOT included in your Congress registration rate.
We have procured an excellent group rate of $119 per night with Hilton Minneapolis Airport MOA. This hotel will be the location of the Congress Opener on Sunday night. However, PLEASE NOTE that the main two Congress days as well as the Awards Banquet will be held at Hamline University, which is 10 miles away from this hotel.
Hotel rooms are available through the hotel directly. To receive the group rate of $119 per night, you must identify yourself as being with the group “National Health Freedom Coalition” at the time the reservation is made. The discounted rate is based on availability and is good only until September 20. Please register early to ensure availability. If not enough rooms are available, please contact NHFC to inquire as to whether we can add more rooms to the block.
Hotel Contact Information:
Hilton Minneapolis Airport MOA
3800 American Blvd East, Bloomington, MN 55425
Reservations can be made directly with the hotel at 952-854-2100 by calling Hilton Reservations at 1-800-HILTONS.
Hotel Amenities:
– Complementary parking
– Complementary airport shuttle
– Complementary shuttle to and from Mall of America
– Complementary internet (when booking through our group rate)
– Program Opener reception location on Sunday night
Travel Information – Transportation
We are exploring the possibility of having a free shuttle in the morning and evening from the Hotel to Hamline University and back again for transportation for those who do not have vehicles. Please note your interest in a shuttle on the registration form.
How Can I Become a Sponsor?
We invite you to become a sponsor of this event to help make this great meeting-of-the-minds possible! If you are interested in sponsoring the 2014 Health Freedom Congress or donating your time or services, please contact Jerri Johnson at 651.688.6515 orjerri@nationalhealthfreedom.org.
Gold Sponsors
Health Freedom Congress Opener Sponsor
Oklahoma for Health Freedom
Supporting Sponsors
Associate Sponsors
GW Health, Inc.
Health Choice
Iowa Holistic Dentistry
Life Extension Foundation
National Health Federation
Congress Boosters
Mastel’s Health Foods
Printing Services Provided By
Tangible Values Print Solutions
Please Contact Us with Other Questions
Registration Questions: Judy 608.295.3827 judy@nationalhealthfreedom.org
Program Questions and Voting Member Questions: Diane 507.663.9018 similars@aol.com
Questions about becoming a Congress Sponsor: Jerri 651.688.6515 jerri@nationalhealthfreedom.org