2015 Save the Date The United States Health Freedom Congress Is Set to Reconvene! Hosted by National Health Freedom Coalition October 18, 19 & 20th, 2015, St. Paul, Minnesota
The United States Health Freedom Congress
Is Set to Reconvene!
Hosted by National Health Freedom Coalition
October 18, 19 & 20th, 2015, St. Paul, Minnesota
A Gathering of State and National
Health Freedom Organizations, Leaders and Health Freedom Advocates
Save the date for this historic convening of the Congress!
Registration opening soon!
This Year’s 2015 Congress
The 2015 Health Freedom Congress brings together health freedom leaders and citizens from across the country, individuals and organizations alike. The public is welcome! The event will be held at the Carol Young Anderson and Dennis L. Anderson Center, Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota. all attendees will be ble to fully participate in group activities and attend presentations throughout the two-day event, as well as attend the Health Freedom Awards Banquet on Tuesday evening featuring a keynote speaker. 40 of the organizations that have become Voting Members will have an opportunity to convene in a Congress circle during time slots designated for them. General participants are welcome to observe any proceedings of the Voting Members.
Brief Schedule:
- Sunday, October 18th – Evening Event Opening
- Monday and Tuesday, October 19th and 20th – all day US Health Freedom Congress
- Tuesday Evening, October 20th – Health Freedom Awards Banquet and Keynote
Keeping the Vision of Health Freedom Alive
NHFC’s continued intention is to promote unity and solidarity in the health freedom movement and all are welcome to attend the event. The statement of purpose for the Health Freedom Congress is:
- To bring together key organizations and leaders in the United States Health Freedom movement;
- to experience an egalitarian gathering of autonomous and divere leaders, where leaders communicte face-to-face in the round (Congress-style format and also Open Space format);
- To increase collaboration and inspire each other to unity and solidarity;
- To identify top health freedom issues and topics impacting health freedom;
- To find areas of common ground and pass health freedom resolutions;
- To work together to identify strategies for enhanced health freedom; and
- To celebrate the health freedom movement and give awards honoring successful leaders.
Registration: Send us an email at info@nationalhealthfreedom.org so we can email you when registration opens for both Voting Members and General Public.
Last Year’s 2014 Congress
Learn more about last year’s congress, including a list of the Congress Voting Members, the resolutions discussed, and the recipients of the Health Freedom awards on the 2014 Congress web page.
Sponsorships are already coming in for the 2015 Congress and we are so very grateful! Please see the list of sponsorships below that we have received so far. We invite you to become a sponsor of the 2015 Health Freedom Congress to help make this great meeting of the minds possible. If you are interested in sponsor opportunities, including donations of your time or services, please contact Jerri Johnson at 651.688.6515 or jerr@nationalhealthfreedom.org.
We thank our generous Sponsors!
The 2015 US Health Freedom Congress Sponsors
Who are making this gathering possible!
Gold Sponsors
Health Freedom Lunch Sponsor
Promoting Sponsor
Spring Forest Qigong
Supporting Sponsors
DrCatherine Rott, DNM
Organic Consumers Association
Sage Mountain Herbs
Washington Homeopathic Products
Associate Sponsors
GW Health, Inc.
National Health Federation
Iowa Holistic Dentistry
Congress Boosters
Life Extension Foundation
Program Questions and Attending Questions:
Diane 507.663.9018 similars@aol.com
Questions about becoming a Congress Sponsor:
Jerri 651.688.6515 jerri@nationalhealthfreedom.org

Health Freedom Impacted by the Larger Freedom Conversation