Ten New Right to Refuse Bills to kick off 2025!
Back on December 5, we reported on eight new bills in the Lone Star State of Texas. Now with the new year upon us, states all around the USA are filing more bills for 2025 that take a wide variety of approaches in protecting our bodily autonomy. Key issues addressed include the lack of civil liability, the possible dangers of mRNA technology, prohibitions on COVID-19 vaccine mandates, and much more! Missouri and Oklahoma lead the way with three new bills each. Here are ten new bills filed around the nation:
Arizona HB2055: Unconditional Exemption for Products Without Liability
Any vaccination required for any purpose shall have an unconditional exemption unless it has been approved by FDA, has been evaluated for long-term cancer potential, had a key study with a placebo or other vaccine which had a placebo study, has the vaccine injury rate posted on the health department website, and is subject to civil liability for injury. Other provisions and conditions.
Kentucky HB140: mRNA Status of Blood Products
Blood establishments to test for spike protein and mRNA. mRNA status of blood to be labelled. Prohibits state entities from keeping list of citizen vaccine status. Other provisions regarding blood donations.
Maine HP78: mRNA Products to be Labeled
Any food made from or containing animal products that have received an mRNA vaccine shall be labeled as such.
Missouri SJR37: Right to Refuse Medical Treatment
Proposed constitutional amendment that no government entity may infringe on the right to refuse any medical procedure or treatment, including vaccines. If this resolution passes, the people of Missouri will be able to vote on whether to add the right to refuse to its constitution.
Missouri SB222: No COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Schools
No public K-12 school, and no institution of higher learning which receives any public funds, may require students or employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or gene therapy. No COVID-19 testing without written consent. Civil remedies.
Missouri SB252: Gene Therapy-Like Products to be Labeled
Any product that is created to act as a gene therapy, or which could alter genetic material, must be labeled as such. Transmissible medical interventions require the consent of all people affected.
Oklahoma SB14: Privacy and Conscience Protection Act
Privacy and Conscience Protection Act. Any employer mandating a COVID-19 vaccine shall allow a privacy exemption allowing employees to decline to reveal vaccine status. Employees are to be given notice of this exemption. Other provisions.
Oklahoma SB422: COVID-19 Vaccine and Discrimination
No public entity, and no business with any contracts with a public entity, may require any person to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. No such entity may discriminate based on vaccine status.
Oklahoma HB1079: Transparency and Consent
Vaccine Transparency and Informed Consent Act. Prior to vaccination, provider must provide list of ingredients, summary of clinical trials, outline of all known risks, presence or use of fetal cell line tissue, statement re available exemptions including personal belief, and information on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Other provisions.
Wyoming HB96: COVID-19 Vaccine, Masks, and More
No person who receives government funds may refuse, withhold from or deny a person any services, goods, facilities, advantages or privileges that are public in nature or that invite the patronage of the public based on a person’s COVID‑19 vaccination status, whether a person is wearing a face covering or whether a person refuses COVID‑19 medical testing. No contrary signage allowed. Civil remedy up to $5,000.