Take Action to Protect Your Access to the
Practitioners of the Healing Arts in Your State!

In many states, practitioners such as herbalists, homeopaths, traditional naturopaths, Ayurveda practitioners, energy healers, wellness consultants, and many others who are not licensed by the state as practitioners can be arbitrarily prosecuted for practicing without a license.  A medical board, for example, has a definition of the practice of medicine that is so broad that it encompasses all of healing.  Thus, a medical board can charge unlicensed practitioners with practicing medicine without a license, even when there has been no harm to the public, and many people are benefiting from that practitioner’s care.

NHFA’s Solution:  Safe Harbor Practitioner Exemption Laws

Safe harbor laws provide a practical way for states to assure continued consumer access to and the availability of complementary and alternative health care practitioners. These laws ensure that practitioners can practice legally, provided they comply with certain requirements. Safe harbor laws retain the avenues that state governments have to process complaints for unlicensed practice and review whether there has been harm.

Safe Harbor Practitioner Exemption bills await a hearing in Massachusetts

Health Freedom Action Massachusetts (HFAMA) is supporting Safe Harbor legislation. Companion bills H2244 and S1329 both titled, An Act Providing for Consumer Access to and the Right to Practice Complementary and Alternative Health Care Services, are currently awaiting public hearing. If you’re interested in helping their efforts, please contact them at healthfreedomma@gmail.com.

NHFA works with groups of people in many states, helping groups get organized, helping draft legislation, and teaching groups how to pass laws. We can help you in your state if you would like! Our goal is to ensure that all people can have access to the care that they need!

Currently eleven states have passed a safe harbor exemption law in some form, including: Minnesota, Rhode Island, California, Louisiana, Idaho, Oklahoma, Arizona (for homeopaths), New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada and Maine.

How Can I Help?

If you are interested in helping protect access to practitioners in your state and would like to learn more, please contact National Health Freedom Action’s Legislative and Policy Advisor, Nate Gorman, at n_gorman@yahoo.com.

We are here to help you!