Protecting licensed medical doctors and professionals
offering alternative approaches to health care

The majority of NHFA’s efforts over the last 20 years created “Safe Harbor” protections for unlicensed complementary and alternative healthcare practitioners so they could practice without fear of prosecution. While this will always remain one of the main focuses of our work, licensed doctors and other licensed healthcare professionals who are advocating alternative approaches across the nation are being censored and threatened with the loss of their licenses by the state medical licensing boards for recommending what they think is the best treatment for their patient’s health. They are accused of going outside of acceptable and prevailing medical practice, or the “standard of care”. But those standards are based on expert testimonies from conventional professionals who have no understanding or respect for more holistic complementary and alternative approaches to health and its cutting edge research. Do you want to have access to a wide variety of approaches for your health care?

Licensed Medical doctors for upholding
their sacred duty to first do no harm.

The Expanded Practices Act

This legislation would allow licensed medical doctors to practice outside of the “standard of care” under certain circumstances without fear of punishment or loss of license.  Some states such as NY, CA, CO, OR, and UT have made progress in protecting doctors’ rights to use complementary and alternative or non-conventional methods in treating patients. These states have paved the way. They prove it can be done! If you are a group of licensed professionals or consumers working together in a state that would like to work toward the passage of an Expanded Practices Act in your state, NHFA is here to help with drafting, research, and coaching throughout the legislative process.

Over the past 20 years our NHFA team has mentored many groups that have had success in passing laws that protect health and healing rights. This month generous matching donors are matching every gift to NHFA, dollar for dollar, up to $13,000! Please help us reach our goal of $26,000 by August 31st so we can continue our work to protect your rights and freedoms to make your own health choices. We are just $8000 away from our goal with 2 days to go! 

Can you help support our urgent work?  Whether you make a one-time
donation or a recurring gift, your support is truly appreciated. We could
not continue our work without dedicated supporters like you that have
kept us going for over 20 years.

DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT! Every dollar up to $13,000 
will be matched by our generous matching grant donors! 
Please help us meet our full match potential and our total goal of $26,000 by August 31st!  

If “the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” then we have taken many steps already, but we have many more to go. This fight for our health freedom is not new and it is far from over. What is needed is consistent citizen engagement and thoughtfully drafted laws that protect our health rights long into the future.

The sustained effort needed to make these important changes to our laws requires sustained funding. Please consider a recurring monthly donation to National Health Freedom Action to help us continue our urgent work. Your $25 recurring donation over 12 months counts as $300 towards meeting our match, and it will be doubled to $600 thanks to our generous matching donors!

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our matching donors:
Anna Gray, Pure NSM, Pure Indian Foods, and an anonymous donor.

Donate by Credit Card, ACH or by mail
NHFA is a 501(c)4 lobbying organization, therefore your donations are not tax deductible.