A letter to children and grandchildren about freedom and health

I know that you may have witnessed your own mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, family, and friends all running around the country testifying at hearings, writing books, protesting at rallies, and being on the phone for hours. Well in short, it is because many elders believe in the American spirit of freedom and the human inalienable right to preserve life. And we see these freedoms and rights being at risk of extinction in our lifetimes.
“All men are created equal”
So here is the deal: Regarding the American spirit of freedom, even though one could say that the founders of our country were not completely evolved to understand the breadth of the ramifications of their vision, they courageously took the leap to defend and to proclaim in our country’s Declaration of Independence a truth that they held: “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” They also believed that people could govern themselves to live in harmony, instead of living under a self-proclaimed monarch or leader. They envisioned protecting the freedom of all people to be able to direct their own life experience; where they went, who they communicated with, what they believed, how much money they had, what they did for a vocation, and so much more.
Freedom is an ongoing conversation
Even though it took us many decades to understand these principles without acting like a hostile monarch nation conquering foreign lands, the vision was set. The vision set a foundation for personal freedom that eventually would be interpreted to reject age-old oppression of so many people, including but not limited to native peoples, slaves, women, holders of religious beliefs, and the poor. They designed a representative system to work to accomplish these goals. Designing a system that would allow such expansive freedoms, and still have harmonious community, was a real challenge and still is today. We have learned that basically freedom is an ongoing conversation.
The journey of health
And regarding health: The way that many elders are seeing this issue right now is that the unalienable right of life includes our health. Our health journey is what helps us preserve our own Life. Without health, we are without life. And without life, we have no need for freedom. For example, how could a person exercise one’s right to Life and be in charge of one’s own health journey if he/she doesn’t have personal autonomy upheld by the American spirit of freedom? A person’s health journey is unique unto itself, and the way that each person approaches their health to preserve their own life is completely unique. Can you imagine someone telling you what to do every day to help you stay alive and be healthy and not give you the choice? Most people are particular about their bodies and want to do what they want to do. And one person’s food or remedy is another person’s squinty face. And one person’s healer is another person’s disbelief. Our right to health and preserving our own life is unique, profoundly essential, and assumed by most humans.
Government agencies and private corporations
The problem that the elders are appearing so frantic about these days is the fact that these basic freedoms and rights are being eroded by an evolving technical world, an expanding government, and a corporate climate that is not working to uphold these sacred truths. So, elders and grandmothers like me have jumped in to work with many health and freedom leaders to preserve the spirit of America and preserve our lives. We see it as literally a fight for human survival What we are seeing is that government agencies, headed by unelected people, are attempting to coerce individuals to make health choices that they otherwise would not make, based on the agency’s opinion of what is good for them and right. And corporations are dominating the marketplace and media to coerce individuals to consume their products. Governments and corporations are intertwined and promoting their own goals, including industrialized technologies, to the point that many things are being promoted or allowed that are affecting a person’s health without their knowledge.
Healers of our choice
Elders that are stepping up to protect freedoms believe in people having the right to make their own health and survival choices. They know that if governments make health mandates, and governments and corporations participate in censorship of information to promote a dominant approach to health, that the people are not able to access all of their options for health. And they know that if government bans a certain type of healer from the public domain, and only allows western medicine options, that people will not have access to the healers of their choice.
Personal choices for health
For example, I, being a Gramma senior citizen working to stay healthy, am choosing to use spring water from Chippewa Springs, because I learned that public fluoridation of water is known to decrease the IQ of children. And the reason I have a button to turn off the Wi-Fi in my home and make sure my computer internet is from a fiber optic cable is because I learned that Wi-Fi frequencies can cause cognition problems. And of course, I only eat yummy organic food, because the pesticides on non-organic foods are carcinogenic. And I use wonderful, interesting healing practitioners such as homeopaths, herbalists, chiropractors, and acupuncturists in addition to my holistic medical doctor.
Our humanity in danger?
But the latest concern that many elders have that stimulated me to write to you children, grandchildren, and seekers of the truth, is our concern about the proliferation of genetic modification of not only foods, but of living organisms. Genetic modification of our foods and medicines is impacting the health of all people. But genetic modification of living organisms such as bacteria, which our bodies are made up of, brings us close to the reality of genetic modification of humans. Elders are asking: Does this mean that someday our children and grandchildren will be in jeopardy of having their human genome and DNA modified? Will the human race be in jeopardy of being permeated with genetic modifications, weakening humans to the point of collapse? Is it already happening with modern technologies? Many books are now being written about all of these serious matters, and I just wanted to write you a letter today to say:
The spirit of America is a grand and noble vision to honor the integrity and life of every human. Many elders know that we can and must protect the spirit of America and our right to preserve our own lives. We just know it! And we are still here to help you. So, let’s get together and design your future.
One grandmother

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