Join us at the MN State Capitol Rotunda
January 5, 2023 from 1:30-3:30 PM
for the No Forced Vaccines Rally
Participate in Lobbying effort: 9 AM – 5 PM
On Thursday January 5th from 1:30PM to 3:30PM, The Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota,, and Stop the Mandate Minnesota are sponsoring a rally in opposition to forced vaccinations. These activists are focused on the former bill SF1520, which is expected to be reintroduced for 2023. This bill would remove the right of families to opt out of school-mandated vaccines using a conscientious exemption. The proposed law would also apply to homeschooled kids, making this one of the strictest vaccine mandates in the nation. Folks are welcome to show up at early as 9:00AM to participate in the lobbying effort.
Learn, Lobby, Connect, Engage, and Empower
Speakers will include Dr. Scott Jensen and Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom President Twila Brase. The organizers have reserved rooms 316, 317, and 317A from 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Folks are asked to check in at these rooms to connect with their fellow District members prior to lobbying. The organizers will also have materials to distribute to lawmakers. Activists are encouraged to tell their stories to elected officials, including job loss based on vaccine status, parental concerns, or vaccine-injuries or deaths in loved ones. At this critical time for our health freedom let your voice be heard, gain inspiration, and fight back against vaccine mandates.
Now more than ever it is important that we use the tools that are available to us as Americans.
Your donation makes a huge difference in our ability to educate, foster, and mobilize with people like you in states across the country.
Together we can create the laws “we wish to see in the world.” Laws that protect our rights to make choices about our own health and the health of our children.
Donate by Credit Card, ACH or by mail
NHFA is a 501(c)4 lobbying organization, therefore your donations are not tax deductible.
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